Leading for Integrity

If the corporate culture is not led systematically, it merely happens. A luck-based culture may accidentally support the company’s objectives, but it can also prevent it from achieving its goals and moreover result in ethical blindness, unintended mistakes, and impaired moral.

I coach organizations, executive boards, and managers about leading their corporate culture with responsibility. In order for a company to find a responsible way to achieve success, it must first have a healthy corporate culture.

I approach the theme with the following thoughts:

  • Why do good people do bad things?
  • How to build an a culture of integrity?
  • What are specific tips to develop an ethical corporate culture?

As I love story telling we like to include in my talks real life stories about companies with ethical failures, such as Enron, Wells Fargo, or Theranos. In all of these stories it is not about bad people with bad values – it’s about good people with good intentions. It’s about becoming ethically blind and being unable to see it while it’s happening.